Embrace the benefits of hemp oil with delicious gummy bears.One of the classic images that come to mind when we picture candy, the Gummy Bear is a staple for any and all stores that carry sweets. Tasty and chewy, each bite will take you back to your own childhood, when a gummy bear was all that you needed to have a good time. Where EMPE’s gummy bears differ from traditional gummy bears is our inclusion of organic hemp oil, as well as other ingredients designed to help promote a sense of calm and overall wellness.CBD gummies are made with ingredients derived from organic hemp oil and are perfect for on-the-go, convenient dosing. Make your life a little more sweet by adding EMPE’s Gummies to your diet!Recommended Serving: 1-2 pcs.Do not exceed 3 pcs every six hours.INGREDIENTShemp oil, corn syrup, sugar, water, gelatin, modified corn starch, wheat, citric acid, natural & artificial flavors, mineral oil, blue #1,yellow #5, camauba wax.